
In this section you will find all the articles relating to our four service offerings: Technology Strategy and Innovation, Strategic Architecture, Project [...]


Où en est votre projet de transformation digitale?

Au Québec comme au Canada, on constate un retard de la part des organisations à entreprendre leur projet de transformation digitale. En 2017, seulement 22 % des entreprises québécoises ont entamé une planification de leur transformation digitale[1]. À l’échelle du Canada, ce sont 39 % des PME qui ont amorcé une transformation et parmi elles, […]

Technology Strategy and Innovation

Design Thinking helping digital transformation

72% of executives think that the next three years will be more crucial for their industry than the last five. Nowadays, every company is looking for something that will differentiate them from the competition and will propel them on the innovation track. Does a magical solution really exist? It’s hard to say. However, placing the […]